Our Skyfish Tsunami Series has been a great success, I couldn't have done it without all of the love coming from you guys.
For easy access I've linked them here.
Skyfish Japan Tsunami
Skyfish Japan Tsunami X2
Skyfish Japan Tsunami Douche 3
Skyfish Japan Tsunami 4 U
Skyfish Meltdown Japan
Skyfish Meltdown Japan X2
And because I'm such a nice guy, here's a link to the charity group to help them out. DO IT NOW!!! Dude those people are going through stuff you've never been through! Radiation exposure, are you kidding me? Do it! Do it! I know money isn't going to help them since they need water, shelter and food immediately, but here's hoping I guess.
Also, because of the lovely fuming reactions, the series will continue. I'm telling you, if you don't review them so passionately with 0s i wouldn't be making so many. I'm just being honest.
Alright, you are just asking for trouble punk.
Now fuck off newgrounds..